Saturday, April 16, 2011

You are Beautiful and Somebody Out There Is Crazy About You

So many new button designs. Nigel gave me his wacom tablet and I am in illustrator heaven. I can paint, draw, redraw, layer... you name it... all with this silly little tablet. It's AMAZING. I'm not that good with fine lines yet, as it takes time to master looking at a screen to track your pen, rather than the ink on the page and the feeling itself. As I get better, I'm sticking to more colorful, simple designs... like this one of sunflowers.

You are BEAUTIFUL and somebody out there is CRAZY about you.

I did the button originally in bright colors, but also in pastel colors. simply by applying a semi-opaque white wash to the background design to mute the original.

This button is perfect for anyone who is feeling kicked in the butt by love, or maybe just because you know someone who deserves it (because you are crazy in love with that particular individual). It's such a happy button, hence the sunflowers. Reds, yellows, pinks, oranges... it's so warm and cheery. This button will make anyone smile!

Drop by my etsy shop for more good stuff!

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